End of Early Bird Registration and Abstract Submissions

The international conference, ‘Opportunities for Heritage,’ is pleased to announce the successful culmination of our Early Bird Registration and Abstract Submission phase. With participation from scholars and professionals, from over 35 diverse countries, as well as over 80 universities and noted institutions, we are excited to witness such interest for this event.

The Early Bird Registration phase, which offered attendees exclusive benefits and discounts, has concluded. We extend our gratitude to all those who took advantage of this opportunity to secure their spots at the conference.

If you haven’t had the chance to register yet, there’s still an opportunity for you to join us. The regular registration phase will run until 1 February 2024. This extended registration period ensures that individuals who missed the Early Bird Registration can still be a part of ‘Opportunities for Heritage.’

We look forward to welcoming you to ‘Opportunities for Heritage’ and exploring the potential that heritage holds for us all. If you have any inquiries or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact our conference organizers at O4H@gutech.edu.om.

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