Opportunities for Heritage announces closure of abstracts

We would like to take this opportunity to extend our gratitude to all those who have submitted their abstracts for the upcoming conference Opportunities for Heritage. We are pleased to announce that we have received more than 100 abstracts from various countries.

We are thrilled with the response we have received so far, as it demonstrates the immense interest and dedication of the participants in sharing their knowledge and research in their respective fields. The abstracts that have been uploaded showcase a wide range of innovative ideas and promising research, enriching our conference and making it even more exciting and dynamic.

With the abstract submission phase ending, we now encourage all participants to start working on their final papers. The submission of final papers will be open until 31 December 2023, allowing you sufficient time to complete your research and refine your findings. Also, if you haven’t submitted the abstract yet, you are still able to participate by submitting the final paper before the mentioned deadline.

As you work on your final paper, we kindly request you to adhere to the submission guidelines and formatting requirements that were introduced during the abstract submission process. These guidelines are available on our conference website, ensuring a uniformed and coherent representation of all research papers in the conference proceedings.

For any concerns or queries regarding the final paper submission process, please reach out to our dedicated support team via O4H@gutech.edu.om. We are here to assist you and ensure a smooth and convenient submission for all participants. For those who have submitted the abstracts, we will be contacting you in this regard shortly.

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